Great thought…

We haven't really paid much attention to thought as a process. We have engaged in thoughts, but we have only paid attention to the content, not to the process. David Bohm

Stanford Magazine profiles

"A first-year graduate student in the management science and engineering program, Asha Gupta had barely started Design Garage, a course aptly characterized as an "imagination dunk tank"—and she was getting soaked. Gupta and her classmates were challenged to develop a prototype that would improve the gift-giving experience. They had 54 minutes." via A darn… Fortsätt läsa Stanford Magazine profiles

Innovating education

Everything I've read so far on renewal and innovation of our floundering education systems seem to be based one or more of these unchallenged and potentially faulty assumptions: Business knows what we need. Hell, they can hardly predict a quarterly earnings report so why would they know anything about what kind of competences would be… Fortsätt läsa Innovating education

Charlie Davies on Money

SUI 24 Charley de Mornay Davies from Videologic on Vimeo. My friend Charlie has a lot of wise and witty things to say about money. Enjoy. Jan

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Turning the page

Hello 2011. 2010 was pretty shitty for me on a personal level. Workwise it was surprisingly good. Hope you have something better in store for me, 2011. I'm putting a whole lot of trust in you. Tell you what, I'll do my bit. I'll bring a positive attitude, an open mind and willingness to try. … Fortsätt läsa Turning the page

A great jab at Michael Moore

Mårten Schultz is my hero of this winter. He did what I wished I could, but never could have done. He answered back to Michael Moore's open letter to the Swedish government. He did it with wit and sharpness. He defended Sweden in a way I'm mighty proud of and showed Mr Moore "where the… Fortsätt läsa A great jab at Michael Moore

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Comments on procrastination

My friend Mikael Pawlo has written about procrastination. I read his post while travelling and only quickly answered him on Twitter that I had some comments. Instead of sending them only to him I decided to post them. Mikael's post is good and probably holds up to the realities of many people. However, it doesn't… Fortsätt läsa Comments on procrastination

Yvon Chouinard

  The education of a reluctant businessman. Founder of Patagonia. Love his book. And this talk is very inspiring for a reluctant consultant like me ;) //jan

Jared Diamond

  Jared Diamond is in my hometown Stockholm today and I had the pleasure of listening to him. Fascinating person. Awesome research. Big questions about the future. //jan