Management principles from a legendary entrepreneur

I’m working on a blog post that aims to catch some of my key learnings from working with leaders and entrepreneurs over the course of 20 years. Suddenly this piece on Dee Hock’s management principles appears in one of my media feeds. I just had to capture and share it as my own learnings tie… Fortsätt läsa Management principles from a legendary entrepreneur

The Big Shortage

On January 23, Professor Gianpiero Petriglieri (@gpetriglieri) of INSEAD tweeted this illustration from the WEF in Davos *. It intrigued me and I instantly favorited it. I obviously had a number of fantasies regarding the context he was in and the reasons for the emergence of his illustration. We exchanged a couple of tweets and that… Fortsätt läsa The Big Shortage

Whom do you allow to whisper in your ear?

As leaders and entrepreneurs we are aware that people around us are trying to influence us and the decisions we make. The intensity and openness of this practice can vary depending on a number of factors. Either way we are hammered every minute of the day with subtle and not-so-subtle messages about what we should… Fortsätt läsa Whom do you allow to whisper in your ear?

Ackoff on Business Schools

Russel Ackoff about business schools. His thoughts fit into my exploration of human friendly organizations as one of several clues. In fact we cannot discuss how to make organizations more human friendly without also deconstructing the mental models of our education systems. I hope things have started to shift in business schools since this was… Fortsätt läsa Ackoff on Business Schools

Exploring human friendly organizations

It is my conviction that the future of any organization, commercial or non-commercial lies, in becoming human friendly. Organizational life today is mostly a drag. Up to 75% percent of employees are unengaged at work. This represents a huge waste of potential and real value. Social, economic and ecological value. But foremost human value! In… Fortsätt läsa Exploring human friendly organizations

Rant on innovation

I wrote this on January 2, 2009. After coming back from two days at a conference on innovation in the public sector I was just about to write a rant about the goings on in this field. But something in me said I had already written it… And so I had. Here is a small… Fortsätt läsa Rant on innovation

The Flip Manifesto by Dan Pink

I've just read Dan Pink's inspiring e-book on leadership, motivation and innovation. You can get a hold of a copy by subscribing to his newsletter on Recommended. Hope to update this post later with a few thoughts in connection with my read.