Yves Morieux: 6 rules to simplify work

I seldom watch TED-videos any more, but the other day I visited the web site and directly found this 12 minute gem with Yves Morieux. I’ve never heard of him before but his talk blew me away – and he is my hero for doing so. I don’t think I’ve ever heard/seen such an elegant analysis of the problem of underperforming organizations. He not only pulls the problem apart, he aslo reassembles the pieces in a new way and offers us a new perspective on organizations, specifically large ones. Naturally, his platform as fellow and partner at BCG gives his talk loads of credibility. He’s been around. The talk is also special because it is a rare, if yet balanced, critique of the hands that feed him – and so many other in the consulting profession. Hats off to Mr Morieux.

— Jan

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