Michael Gene Sullivan has written in Huffington Post about "Capitalism – The Gift That Keeps on Taking". It is in four parts and well worth a read. It is a very critical assessment of capitalism, so beware.
Many Americans think capitalism means the right to vote.
Nope. That's democracy. In capitalism only dollars vote.
Many think capitalism is in the Bill of Rights.
It's not. If you haven't read it, do. It's one page.
How about the rest of the constitution?
Nope. Nothing in there about buying low and selling high.
Some think it's all of us working together to improve all our lives.
Theoretically, that's socialism.
Or maybe capitalism is just a willingness to work hard, using your brain, brawn, or talent to get ahead? Enriching yourself by the honest sweat of your own brow, or hard earned intellect?
A "capitalist" is someone who makes a living not from their own labor, but from their money, their "capital." See, that's why it's called "capitalism," and not "laborism," or "hardworkism." Interest, dividends, stock sales — not work. If you work for a living — even if it's intellectual work, and you need that paycheck to live — you are a worker. (Middle class is just a worker with a mortgage.) "Oh, what about the hairdresser on the corner! What about the mechanic down the block!" Well, what about 'em? If you own a business that you have to work at to make a living, you are an owner/operator, a self-employed worker. Let me say that again: If you own a small business that you have to work at you are not a capitalist! Sorry to shout, but for some reason people have a hard time with that one. The hairdresser, mechanic and the rest are owner/operators, living on their labor, and if they stop working they fail. Workers.
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