
A good friend says I'm in a transition process. To what is the BIG question. The FROM bit I can see more or less clearly.  It is interesting to confront the reality of one's own teachings. I am supposedly good at helping my clients in their change processes. But clearly blocked in my own. I'm… Fortsätt läsa Transition

Turning the page

Hello 2011. 2010 was pretty shitty for me on a personal level. Workwise it was surprisingly good. Hope you have something better in store for me, 2011. I'm putting a whole lot of trust in you. Tell you what, I'll do my bit. I'll bring a positive attitude, an open mind and willingness to try. … Fortsätt läsa Turning the page

Summer reflections

Summer has been busy this year. Not with work, but other stuff. Like getting divorced and moving. Apart from this sucking big time it also adds fuel to the normal summer thoughts about what to do when I grow up. So this summer I made a decision to re-calibrate my professional life. Might as well… Fortsätt läsa Summer reflections