Putting free into perspective

I find a lot of writing around the concept of "free" on the web. Currently I'm struck by the many people who now are arguing vividly that everything can't be free. Duh. This was never ever going to happen, but the tendency in business to over-simplify every darn thing has created som misleading thinking. Here's… Fortsätt läsa Putting free into perspective

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Introducing Trajb

Me and a couple of really smart friends have a new thang going. We call our initiative Trajb and it's ultimately about contributing to sustainable human enterprise – through both thinking and doing. Click here to check what Trajb is about. We're quite excited about it all and hope you want to join in. //jan

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Red noses make a difference

I can't see a clip like this without asking myself: Am I making the difference in the world that I want to? //jan

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Debunking geoengineering

Alex Steffen at Worldchanging does an admirable job of putting geoengineering into perspective. Grab a coffee or tea and read through his text here. I've always argued that engineers put us in the mess we're in and we shouldn't let them continue to con us. They should have the burden of proof, not us regular… Fortsätt läsa Debunking geoengineering

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Friendly troublemaking

I'm preparing a presentation for tomorrow for a group of young talented women that are in a career development program. I've decided to act as the friendly troublemaker. I'll sketch a few perspectives on "a new market economy" based on networks, smallness and sustainability. And then move them into a discussion about leadership and their… Fortsätt läsa Friendly troublemaking

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