I’ve decided to discontinue my blog. I feel as though I’ve run into a dead end and I haven’t discovered how to renew my chosen theme or develop a new one. So instead of feeling bad about it all, I’ll just leave it with a brief summary of where I stand in my quest for a hopeful future:
I’m no worse off than when I started. But my position has developed. I know a lot more about the state of our planet and what challenges lie ahead for humanity. I’ve also realized that I’m personally more interested in understanding our mental models and underlying assumptions than debating how much CO2 actually will be in the atmosphere in ten years. Or exactly how many wind power plants are needed to replace a nuclear plant.
So, I’m still the sceptic. I believe that there is a fair chance that we can change the course of things. But I seriously doubt if we’re going to take that chance. At least in the coming years. Sadly, I think things have to get much worse before we get a move on.
In my mind I have started to see the contours of an ecological apartheid. We have in the name of power, growth and progress isolated ourselves from nature. In our huge penitentiary we have the same type of guards that kept Nelson Mandela in place. We call them politicians, business leaders, academics, etc. Only difference is that we have elected or recruited these guards ourselves. Nelson Mandela called the libertation process in South Africa a struggle. A fitting metaphor for the process that lies ahead of us. A struggle to end ecological apartheid.
My own personal struggle takes on new forms now. From grand thinking and understanding to practical action. I know what I need to do. My first steps are to radically reduce the footprints of my business activities and of my private life. I hope you chose to do the same.
May the force be with us.