Troubling stuff

Read this. "The study, called "State of Create," found that eight in 10 people believe that creativity is critical to economic growth. But it also found that only one in four people feel like they are living up to their own creative potential. And 75% of respondents said they feel like their employers put more… Fortsätt läsa Troubling stuff

Holy moly

This post in Management Issues just baffled me. Consider this: "In fact, four out of 10 of the 500 employees surveyed said that innovation is either a long shot for their company or a mere "buzz word" the company would like to embrace." "According to research carried out in 2010 by the Nielsen Company, organizations… Fortsätt läsa Holy moly

Hacking Management

A couple of years ago I went to London and participated in the launch of Julian Berkinshaw's book Reinventing Management. That put me on track for his and Gary Hamel's joint work into Management Innovation. As with all new strands of work you see some very interesting stuff and you see some not so impressive… Fortsätt läsa Hacking Management

Stanford Magazine profiles

"A first-year graduate student in the management science and engineering program, Asha Gupta had barely started Design Garage, a course aptly characterized as an "imagination dunk tank"—and she was getting soaked. Gupta and her classmates were challenged to develop a prototype that would improve the gift-giving experience. They had 54 minutes." via A darn… Fortsätt läsa Stanford Magazine profiles

Innovating education

Everything I've read so far on renewal and innovation of our floundering education systems seem to be based one or more of these unchallenged and potentially faulty assumptions: Business knows what we need. Hell, they can hardly predict a quarterly earnings report so why would they know anything about what kind of competences would be… Fortsätt läsa Innovating education

Yvon Chouinard

  The education of a reluctant businessman. Founder of Patagonia. Love his book. And this talk is very inspiring for a reluctant consultant like me ;) //jan

Gratis e-bok: 32 skäl att bryta mönster!

Jag har tagit initiativ till och varit redaktör för en spännande e-bok som Bookhouse Publishing just har släppt. 32 spännande tänkare, entreprenörer och ledare som ger sina perspektiv på vad som gäller för det kommande decenniet. Läs boken här. //jan